How Much is Your Dead Body Worth?
"So you died (it's okay, it happens). This survey will tell you approximately how much your body would sell for. So you've bitten the big one and instead of pushing up daisies your loved ones decided it would be best to sell your body to science. This survey will tell you approximately how much money they'd get for it. Cadaver values are primarily based on overall health and the level of interest your corpse holds to the medical research industry."
Congratulations, your dead body is worth $4665!
Doesn't that make you feel great?
Haha... Don't relly know if makes me feel great but... ^^
hum...mkt död på de senaste inläggen.ska man bli orolig lr?
Oj. Nej, verkligen inte :) Det var bara lite roliga saker jag hittad på nätet :) Kram!